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Ceilidh Dance Instructions

Here are the steps for some of the band's favourite Ceilidh Dances 

Gay Gordons Ceilidh Dance

Gay Gordons

Great one to start off the nigh

Couples Dance

Scottish Ceilidh Band

Flying Scotsman

Fast dance names after the famous steam train

Sets of 4 couples

Scottish Ceilidh Dancing

Virginia Reel

Easy, fun American influenced dance

Sets of 4 couples

Canadian Barn Dance

Canadian Barn Dance

Progressive round the room dance


Strip the Willow Ceilidh Dance

Borrowdale Exchange

Progressive dance with a difference

Sets of 3 couples

Strip the Willow.jpg

Duke of Perth

A favourite of Reelers

Sets of 4 couples

Strip the Willow.jpg

Swedish Masquerade

Promendae, Waltz, Skip


Dance Instructions
Dashing White Sargeant Ceilidh Dance

Dashing White Sargeant

Round the room progressive dance

Sets of 6 (two trios)

Eightsome Reel ceilidh dance

Eightsome Reel

A fun dance for those with plenty stamina 

Sets of 4 couples

Scottish Ceilidh Dancing

Military Two-Step

Round the room dance


Scottish Wedding Dance

Orcadian Strip the Willow

Great for the last dance of the night

Long line of couples

Dancing at a Scottish Wedding

Circassian Circle

A great progressive dance that involves everybody in once big circle around the room. 

One big circle of couples

Strip the Willow.jpg

Reel of the 51st

A popular Scottish Country Dance

Sets of 4 couples

Scottish Dancing Fun

Cumberland Square 8

Energetic set dance 

Sets of 4 couples

HotScotch Ceilidh Band in Edinburgh

Strip the Willow

One of the most famous

Ceilidh Dances 

Sets of 4 couples

Riverside Jig Ceilidh Dance

Riverside Jig

Named after the famous Riverside Club in Glasgow

Long line of couples

Scottish Waltzing Dance

St Bernard's Waltz

Gentle Waltz


Circle of Scottish Dancers

Britannia Two-Step

Progressive round the room dance


Dance Instructions
Scottish Ceilidh Dancing


A great fun dance in trios around the room which can also be made progressive


Strip the Willow.jpg

Pride of Erin Waltz

Irish Waltz


Dance Instructions
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