Ceilidh Dance Instructions
The Dashing White Sargeant
Ceilidh Dance Instructions
Pride of Erin Waltz
Swedish Masquerade
Formation: Three facing three around the room, man between two ladies or lady between two men.
Bars: Description
Join up in a circle of 6 and circle round to the left for 8 steps (4 bars) and back to the right.
The person in the middle turns to the person on their right and sets to them, then turns them once round right hand (variation both hands). The other partner stands still.
Repeat with the other partner.
Using elbow grip, turn 1st partner, then 2nd partner, then 1st partner, then 2nd partner (Variation - dance a reel of three, giving left shoulder to 1st partner to start).
In the lines of three, advance towards each other (one, two, three, stamp-stamp!) -then retire (back two three, clap-clap!)
Both lines dance forwards, one line raising their hands in an arch and the other line dancing underneath, and dance on to meet the next set of three coming in the other direction.
Repeat with new trio.